Gösta Karlsson: The man who met aliens and got rich using their technology witnessed by many

 For some reason, this incredible story is unknown outside Sweden, even when it is one of the most amazing stories in ufology.

The eyewitness, Gosta Karlsson, did not only see the aliens but with the help of their technology, he created his own business.

Gösta Karlsson: The man who met aliens and got rich using their technology witnessed by many

UFO encounters is not something new and it keeps happening around the world and in a variety of forms.
This enigmatic incident took place late on the evening of May 18, 1946, when a 28-year-old hockey player and beekeeper Gösta Karlsson was walking through the Kronoskogen forest (Sweden), returning from Skelderviken beach, where he went to watch birds.

When and where did Gösta Karlsson see the Aliens?

Gösta Karlsson was walking through a dark, peaceful forest, listening to the chirping of crickets when he suddenly noticed streaks of bright light nearby behind the trees as he climbed a small hill.

This seemed very strange to him because generally, no person was expected to be in those forests late in the evening, so he moved forward in that direction and soon went out into the clearing.
In the center of the clearing stood a brightly lit disc-shaped object, which at first seemed to the Swedish man, a carousel.

It was difficult for him to recognize that what exactly the disc-shaped object was.
After all, he had never seen a UFO before, and back then, even the term “Flying saucer” was not invented, let alone the stories of strange flying objects being published in the media.
Less than a year had passed since the end of the Second World War, and the only known flying machines were airplanes and airships, and helicopters were still under development.

Years later, Gösta Karlsson described the object he saw to the Swedish ufologist Klas Svan:

“It was shaped like a disk and stood on two telescopic supports. In the lower part, there was a lowering hatch with a ladder, like on ships, at a height of one and a half meters. I saw the light coming from the cockpit and tried to look there, but the view was too narrow and I saw only light.

At the top of the object was an oval cabin about eight meters in diameter, with oval windows at 1-meter intervals and approximately 30 cm high. While I was looking at this structure, I thought that someone was trying to mess with me, but then I thought that maybe this facility was built by German pilots and they were trying to escape from the POW camp on it. But deep down, I believed that there was something else

On top of the cockpit, there was something thick, like a periscope four meters high. It had that bright purple light source that caught my attention. Light along a strange curved trajectory softly enveloped the entire object and pulsed slightly like water in a fountain.

The air smelled strongly of ozone. There were no joints or rivets visible anywhere on the hull, the cockpit and hull seemed to be created as a whole.

As per Gösta Karlsson, he stood there for a while, and examined the disc-shaped object, and then noticed a humanoid figure nearby.
The stranger was dressed in a tight-fitted white suit with black boots and a belt, and a kind of camera was hanging around his neck.
Then it suddenly turned out that next to this disc in the clearing, there were more humanoid figures of men and women.
They all had blond hair and looked like a typical Swedish or Norwegians.

“I saw three men near the windows of the ship, they were busy with some work inside. Then three girls appeared in front of me, all equally dressed in one-piece white suits with the same boots and belts. Each of them had a transparent hood pulled back around their neck.

It was strange to see how they all looked at me as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt like a wild animal in a circle of light, a technique used by safari hunters in Africa. Then a dark-haired girl came down the stairs from the ship. She had a bag in her hand, and then she began to distribute cups to all other men and women. They began to quit all work and began to drink from these cups.

When I wanted to get closer to them, one of the men, who seemed to be acting as a guard, blocked my path, raising his hand as a stop sign. Everyone around me was looking at me with serious faces. Then I stepped back and everyone went back to their work and no one was looking at me. I felt a little depressed. “

Then Gösta Karlsson decided that he had already spent enough time in the clearing and walked away from there.
As he walked through the woods, he got the impression that he was hallucinating.
He returned to the beach where he came from, sat for a while on the shore, and then saw a bright red light from the side of the hill.

“At first I thought it was the moon that had risen, but then I realized that it was not so. Slowly and majestically, the heavy object was rising up and now I clearly saw that it was a flying ship. It made a sound like a vacuum cleaner motor. it is in a crown of red light, and at an altitude of 400-500 meters, it slowed down and began to sway.

Gösta Karlsson: The man who met aliens and got rich using their technology witnessed by many

I noticed that its large periscope antenna had been removed and that the landing legs had been removed as well. It was foggy, but I could see everything well. Then the disk tilted, the red light became brighter and then began to pulsate-blink strongly, turning into the purple light. It repeated this sequence thrice and then disappeared into the sky over Angelholm. I stayed in the dunes on the shore, shocked by what I saw

After the mysterious evening he has had, Gösta Karlsson returned home, and as soon as dawn broke, he again went into the forest to the same clearing.
He found heavily crushed and burnt grass with imprints from the supports, and two more mugs from which the ship’s crew drank, in the same clearing.
There was still a fragrant yellowish liquid in them.
He also found a gold ring and a transparent crystal rod engraved with symbols very similar to the Scandinavian runes.

Gösta Karlsson: The man who met aliens and got rich using their technology witnessed by many

In subsequent years, he repeatedly showed these objects to other people but did not allow anyone to examine them and never gave the objects away for any analysis.
He also stated that he used to return to the clearing with a device, measuring radiation, and there was a strong “phono” there.

In the 1970s, a small monument kind of thing, dedicated to the very UFO that he saw was erected on the Gösta Karlsson glade.
This happened after he told his story to the reporters in 1971 and it was published in Swedish newspapers.
The monument still stands there to even this day.
It depicts a disk on supports with a large antenna on top.

But the story of Gösta Karlsson did not end there, it only became more curious.

Claims that Alien technology was being used to produce medicines

In the 1970s, Gösta Karlsson suddenly became the director of wealthy pharmaceutical companies, Cernelle and Allergon, and he himself claimed, the medicines created in the companies were based on the alien healing drink that Karlsson found in the cups left by aliens.

Gösta Karlsson and the tablets of his companies

Allegedly, these drugs slowed down aging, and therefore all the aliens he saw looked very young.
Gösta Karlsson also stated that the aliens have allegedly solved all their life problems, and have turned their planet into Paradise.
Their average life span is 400 to 600 years.
From where did he get this information is not known.

In the 1990s, Gösta Karlsson was in close contact with the ufologist Klas Swann and in 1995 his book entitled “The Meeting in the Glade” was published.
Although Karlsson and Swann became close friends and communicated a lot, the ufologist could not help but notice that there are many incomprehensible moments in Karlsson’s history as if the eyewitness had deliberately hidden something or distorted it.

Even, when Gösta Karlsson was close with the ufologist Klas Swann, he never showed Swann and his team, his artifacts properly.
He only showed them his artifacts briefly and did not let them have those artifacts in hands.
He also did not allow Swann to delve into his personal archive, to look at the medical record and other details.
When Karlsson grew old and settled in a nursing home, all of his archives and artifacts from his home were immediately transported to another home.

In 2003, Karlsson died of a stroke and took all his secrets with him to his grave.
Interestingly, his documents along with the artifacts have not yet been found.

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