Historical Documentation of the UFO Incident in Roswell, New Mexico, USA, in 1947.
These evidences show that USA.has alein’s technology since long,long time ago,but they keep it top secret.The top srcret space missions to other planets might be done so far.
Those missions might invaded aleins’ area on the other planets,so they would come to invade and ocupy earth planet in the same way.This might be the top secret reason of hurring to explore the moon and mars for samples as a new colony for human race in the future.I think what
I’m thinking is not wrong because I analysis all of space missions and all the coming of ufos around the world nowadays.I think many groups of alein are coming to earth with colonial spaceships.That’s why nasa and many countries are trying to ocupy the moon and mars today.
Think and make decision yourselves that what I said is true or not.
Good luck every one ! Ha Ha Ha ! ! !
Way back in the 1960s I did see some evidence that there are basic and there are building on the dark side of the moon and there was other people have seen this evidence with me in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA so the United States government is not telling us everything at all now with my big mouth I just might be in trouble so what else is new