Scientific community believes an Alien Civilization was responsible for life on Earth 3.8 billion years ago

 There could be planets that had advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. For some years now, there is a question that haunts the minds of many people and is precise: could there be an extraterrestrial civilization much more advanced than ours? That’s because many scientists have wondered if there are solar systems in the universe that could be more than 10 billion years old than ours, which is just 4,600,000 years old. Francis Crick, the Nobel laureate in medicine who has been given credit for discovering the structure of DNA, also wrote about it. If solar systems exist much older than ours, there is a chance that there are technologically advanced alien civilizations, thus more evolved than us thousands of years. Maybe even before Earth was born. Recent discoveries of extrasolar planets found far from our solar system support this theory.

Why couldn’t you think that alien life had already existed in Matusalemme before Earth was formed? Crick suggested a new theory to the scientific community, which he called the theory infectious. It consists of an alien civilization, it may have sowed a primitive life on Earth. Of course, this raises questions: How was he transferred to Earth? For Crick, they did so by means of a uniquely designed spaceship for this mission. So they were able to introduce these microorganisms responsible for the emergence of life.

Probably the journey was made with all possible conservation safety measures until this ship reached our planet which was its goal of terrestrial life in space. For the year 1986 at the Congress of the origins of life that was held in the city of Berkeley USA. There were 300 scientists from about 22 countries around the world. It was concluded that this theory would be discarded because in that case there should be a variety of genetic codes. Later discoveries in genetics showed something completely different. All life on Earth, from bacteria to humans, evolved from an ancestral cell. The most important question is what is the origin of that ancestral cell?

Most agreed that these organic precursors were brought in from space. Manfred Eigen, a Nobel laureate in chemistry, along with a group from the Max Planck Society, German Advancement of Science, in 1989, was able to sequence RNA backward, which contains the genetic information of DNA usable in the synthesis of protein. Find out that the origin of life occurred about 3,800,000 million years stageCondo Eigen, at that time could emerge the primordial gene. Adding that if the human genetic code was more than 3,800,000 million years old, it must have had an extraterrestrial origin. Our scientific community, for years, refused to accept the possibility of alien life. However, now consider the possibility that our life had an extraterrestrial origin.

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